Saturday, May 5, 2012

I swear, I didn't forget you guys!

I swear, I didn't forget everybody! I started P90X, which was going to leave me with a long time between reviews anyway, and then I hurt my hand and was motion restricted for the last few weeks, and haven't been able to do ANYTHING. So I've fallen off the P90X wagon pretty hard. I'm off motion restriction this week, and hoping to get back in to something. I'm not decided on what yet - I don't want to get too brave about doing things with my hands, and then make it worse, so I have to find a workout that doesn't involve bearing alot of weight in my hands. I've got some kettlebell workouts I've been positively DYING to try, but with worry for my hands, it clearly won't be either of those! I at one point was pretty determined to do the Brazil Butt Lift, I've sort of semi-decided on going back to that, just because that's got very little bearing weight in the hands to it. That'll buy me some time to build my confidence back up. Thanks everybody! See you ASAP!